Smart products from global brands

It is a core part of our business strategy to source products ONLY from the best global brands recognized and certified by independent third parties for their quality. At the same time, we ensure that our products do not cost you an arm and a leg!

We go to great lengths to assess and carefully select solar panels, inverters, cables, electrical components and safety devices with the best-in-class performance certified and tested by independent third parties, to ensure the highest industry quality standards at the lowest possible cost. This is what we call VALUE.

Best products at lowest price

One might ask: how can one source the BEST products at the LOWEST price? The answer is simple: we go further than most in ensuring that our own costs are well managed, that our work is as efficient as it can be, that our margins are modest and realistic, and last but not least – by bulk stock buying from our trusted suppliers with whom we evolved a relationship based on knowledge and trust.

Because we believe that VALUE is a VIRTUE, giving our clients the best possible value is what we do.

Here are some of the key quality brands and products that we are proud to work with at present (click on the logos).

AE Solar
Sungrow logo

Smart products from global brands

It is a core part of our business strategy to source products ONLY from the best global brands recognized and certified by independent third parties for their quality. At the same time, we ensure that our products do not cost you an arm and a leg!

We go to great lengths to assess and carefully select solar panels, inverters, cables, electrical components and safety devices with the best-in-class performance certified and tested by independent third parties, to ensure the highest industry quality standards at the lowest possible cost. This is what we call VALUE.

Best products at lowest price

One might ask: how can one source the BEST products at the LOWEST price? The answer is simple: we go further than most in ensuring that our own costs are well managed, that our work is as efficient as it can be, that our margins are modest and realistic, and last but not least – by bulk stock buying from our trusted suppliers with whom we evolved a relationship based on knowledge and trust.

Because we believe that VALUE is a VIRTUE, giving our clients the best possible value is what we do.

Here are some of the key quality brands and products that we are proud to work with at present (click on the logos).

AE Solar
Sungrow logo